Monday, May 28, 2007

I have arrived!

I am writing this in my new home in the Surrey Hills! I left the United States yesterday afternoon. Mom, Danny and Grant drove me to the airport and I checked in and then we went and bought books and some food. Then Grant and I went to look at the flights and make sure I was ok, only to find out that my flight to Detroit was delayed which meant that I would get to Detroit after my flight for London had already left.
I almost had a panic attack.
But we got it taken care of and Northwest changed me to a flight from Delta that was leaving in under a half an hour to connect in Atlanta. I would have been fine, but because I changed airlines, I had to go through the loooooong security which took forever. After saying goodbye to Mom, Danny and Grant, and a few tears, I started through security and they had to go through EVERYTHING and take it all out and wipe it for explosives and then I had to repack it all. It took so long that they paged my name over the PA to come to my flight. Mom, Danny and Grant got worried about that but I managed to run to the plane and I was the last one on.
The flight to Atlanta was boring and very empty and short. I arrived in Atlanta a bit early and found my gate without a problem. I made some calls to my family to let them know what was going on and then not too long after it was time to board the plane and I was in the first group, seat 18D which is the middle seat in the middle part.
The lady next to me was a librarian from Kansas and it was her 5th trip to London so she helped me when we got off the plane to figure out what to do. The man on the other side was traveling with his family next to us and I think he was narcoleptic because he would just fall asleep quickly and once on my shoulder. The meal was actually good and the movie was Music and Lyrics which was pretty cute. I read a little bit but tried to sleep as much as possible. When I woke up we were only 30 min away from landing so I made sure I had all my stuff together.
Customs was not hard and everyone in the airport was nice...and I was there for awhile. Because of the flight switch, I was 45 min later than originally planned and on a different flight. Mom emailed Pernille but she did not get the email and could not find me anywhere at the airport. I waited for awhile but did not see Pernille or the boys anywhere so I found their number and called Andrew and let him know where I was. I waited again for 20 min before calling again from Information where they informed me I was now in the North terminal, not the South. I finally found them and we had to travel alllll the way back to the South terminal. In the process, my wallet with my passport, ID, money and bank cards was stolen, probably in one of the lifts or the trains we had to take to get to the other side. But I did not realize this until I unpacked later and then we couldn't find my stuff.
But we drove back to the house which is really nice and has an amazing view. The boys helped me unpack my stuff and we got to know each other and then had lunch. We did some puzzles, played Clue and listened to music before dinner.
The boys are adorable and I love listening to them talk. I also love the parents Pernille and Andrew. Everyone is so nice and I feel really comfortable and welcome. I will write more tomorrow but it has been a LONG day and I am exhausted! Its so early but it is bed time for this girl. I did get my computer set up and I have wireless so I can update this! Sorry I probably won't email everyone individually a lot but this is the easiest for me!
Have a great day and good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, sorry about your crazy time so far (lost at the airport, lost passport). Yikes! I'm sure you got the message with all the phone numbers and account numbers, etc. Let me know if you need anything else, OK? I got the nicest e-mail from Pernille and I can tell that you will be right at home there - she told me that because of the weather you all stayed in and did puzzles and ate cake! Sounds like your second home already :)