Wednesday, September 12, 2007


My mother just informed me that the picture I took of the mice are actually baby moles. And my great idea of flashing it to blind it was a bit silly as moles are blind already...uuugh any ideas on how to get rid of them? Thanks!

My fish, the mice and soccer...

So this week has been pretty fun with the boys back to school it gives me time to myself and I don't feel like a full time single mom so much anymore. Tuesday was a big day because Theo started Year 1 and Henry started Year 2 and it was Pernille's birthday! I had a lot of housework to do but it was nice to have the house to myself. After collecting the boys from school, Andrew and I took them into Farnham to buy diamond necklaces for her. The boys picked out two lovely simple necklaces, one heart and one cross which she loved! We also gave her the cat baskets and I gave her the mug the boys and I made! We went to a ceramic shop in Farnham and painted it for her the week before and she LOVED it! We had a really lovely supper as well :)
The other big news from Tuesday is that I joined a football team! Obviously I am talking about soccer but I am so excited! The team is a local women's team called the Guildford Saints and we play in the premiere league in Surrey which is supposed to be pretty good. We normally practice Wednesday nights from 9-10pm which is perfect with the boys and then games are on Sundays. This week the practice is on Thursday and I cannot attend because I am babysitting but I will start next week! I am very excited and will keep you posted on how we do!
Today I went to the library and checked out loads of books! The ladies there know me now so I love going in and getting new books! I also forgot to write about my new fish! I have a really fantastic fish bowl with three little guys! One of them I call Edward is a bit bigger than the other two. He watches me and we are buddies. The other two are a bit smaller and they are silver and a bit dodgy! They like to chase each other and one really likes the plant I put in and the other one likes to swim near the top (but not float because she would be dead). I don't have names for them as they are so similar but I just call them 'the Twins' and I think they are girls. As for the mice, I hate those dreadful animals. I have at least three that have taken to my bedroom at night time and will run down my curtains and then run around my room. They are disgusting and creep me out and I hate them I hate them I hate them. They kept me up for hours last night and every time I would fall asleep they would come back in my room and wake me. It was terrible. But I got poison and I hope they will be gone soon. I captured one of them in my rubbish bin and put it in the shower until the horrible beast got out and ran around my shower and then I took pictures trying to blind it. I hate it.
Anyways! We are actually picking up the kitten on Saturday! I don't know if I am going to go into London this weekend or not, but we are planning a trip to Ireland for the weekend of October 5-7! This is Chiomunga weekend which is obviously where I want to be and I am so sad I am missing it but I have told everyone to please bring some camoflauge so we can have our own mini Chiomunga...haha I miss my girls way too much!
Ok a bit of reading for me then hopefully catching up on sleep from last night!
Have a wonderful day :)


Monday, September 10, 2007

Meeting up with Dominic!

Last weekend was so much fun! Friday night was not much fun because Lauren and all the girls went out for Kiera's birthday and I had to babysit :( But it was ok to relax after a long week, so I wasn't that upset! Saturday the boys woke me up early as they decided to run through the house screaming and making as much noise as possible which was annoying because its my day to sleep in! But I helped out with the lodge for a bit and did a bit of cleaning before packing my bags for London!
I took the train into the city to meet up with Dominic! I was so excited because I haven't hung out with Dominic in like 7 years and I was so excited that he is living here this semester because I miss seeing familiar faces and I knew that it was going to be a fun time! He lives in South Kensington in a flat with the other people in his program, all from the University of Wisconsin.
It was so fun to see him and we stopped by his flat to drop off my overnight bag and then went on a walk through Hyde Park and went over to Portabello Market for some crepes and catching up! We decided that everyone here is still obsessed with Princess Diana and maybe we would be too if we were British, but its getting a bit excessive with all of the memorials and dedications and on and on and on. But it was fun to talk about people from home and what they are up to and what we have been up to since we last saw each other. After walking back to his flat, we watched the USA/England Rugby game with his 5 flatmates, all really cool guys from Wisconsin. They are all sophomores/juniors and it was strange to be one of the oldest people! When it was time for dinner, one of the girls from the second floor called Nora came with us to a pub down the street. Nora and I clicked really quick and I had a lot of fun talking to her/hanging out with her while I was there.
We headed back to the flat after eating and hung out and got ready to go out that night for Dominic's 22nd birthday! Nora let me borrow some jewelry and I gave her advice on her outfit haha she said that maybe having a sorority friend was useful. It made me miss my girls and wish I was home for soph/senior night with my favorite roommates :)
We went to a pub down the street and just chilled and everyone kinda ended up breaking up and doing their own thing in little groups. Nora, Kate, Dominic, Bill, Dan and I didn't stay out late and ended up going back to the flat and just hanging out there. It was funny to see all of the people that came down to the basement flat throughout the night. It was so random but there was one guy who met one of Dominic's flatmates the night before and he and a girl came and they were from Pepperdine so naturally I asked if he knew Jon C and he did! Jon was his RA at school and Jon was my prom date sophomore year of high school! haha what are the odds :) But we all had fun staying up and talking until around 5am and then I slept on the couch by Nora's room. The next morning we went and woke Dominic up and then he and I went on a walk to find this tree in Green Park where the branches are cool and touch the ground. I forgot to take a pic of it! We also saw elephants made of sticks and went to Buckingham Palace as well as Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery. We must have walked at least 10 miles but it was fun and mostly through parks. On the way back we sat in Kensington Park for a while. I don't think we stopped talking for more than 5 min the entire time I was there :)
It was nearly 7pm by this time so we walked back to the flat where all the guys were getting ready to go out to dinner so I grabbed my overnight bag and we went to a Thai place down the street. It was fun and I really liked my food! I got green vegetable curry with steamed rice and it burned my mouth but it was really good! I really like the guys Dominic lives with and we are going to plan a weekend trip to Ireland for all of us and some of the girls! After dinner Dominic walked me to the tube station and I went back to Waterloo to catch my train. I ran up as the doors were closing and just made my train! I was so glad because I would have had to wait 30 min for the next one (um no thanks!).
I got home and read all my emails (I love checking my IU mail and getting all the chi omega emails so I kinda feel in the loop still) and then I was so tired I had to go to sleep!
It was a fun time and I am glad Dominic is going to be here this semester!! We go pretty far back from T-ball and soccer with my dad coaching and middle school/junior high and the beginning of high school before he moved away. I'm excited to have a friend/familiar face here and I can't wait to go back and see them again!!
Tomorrow is going to be almost as good as Christmas because it is Pernille' birthday AND THE BOYS START SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! No more 13 hours days and I am excited to get on a schedule of working out instead of just when I can fit it in, as well as read ahead for the classes I will have when I get back to home/school :)
So excited for IU being 2-0, good job Bill! and good job to Grant for his hard work with the IU Mini! And go Danny against Harrison this week and on your 1/2 day and the big Midterm this week! Miss everyone and its so weird that I have only 3 months left here!!
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dad came back!

My time here has not been very eventful since Grant left until last weekend. The boys are still out of school and the weather was still terrible. Andrew took a holiday week the week after Grant left which was nice to have a bit of a break and not be the only one here with the boys. On the 22nd of August we bought a kitten and we get to take him home next Wednesday! This should be interesting seeing as I am such a dog person and have never had a cat! We are also getting donkeys and a cow, but now it might now be until Christmas because we have to have stables! But then that weekend the boys went to Andrew's parents' house and Pernille and Andrew went to Spain for a friend's birthday party so I had the house to myself for the weekend which was nice and relaxing. I hung out with Lauren a lot and made some new friends! On Saturday night I went to see the Bourne Ultimatum with Lauren and Sarah and it was so good!!! It was cool to see the bit at London Waterloo station because that is the train station I take into London!
Monday the 27th was a Bank Holiday which was fun! I love how Americans need excuses to have a holiday, like President's Day or Labor Day or MLK Jr. Day, but here they feel like having a holiday so they just call it a bank holiday and thats it! They don't need to justify taking time off :) Last week was a bit full on with the boys, because I had them the whole week like usual only Pernille's dad was also very sick so Pernille and Andrew were not around much at all. We went to a park by a canal on Tuesday, then Wednesday we went to Farnham park for the entire day and had a picnic. Thursday I took the boys to a play zone with massive slides! Then Friday Dad arrived from Germany!
Andrew got home Friday around 6 and I immeditely left for the station! I missed my train so I had to wait 20 min for the next train into Waterloo, and then took the tube to meet dad! We stayed at the Holiday Inn on Oxford Street, near Oxford Circus which was an amazing location! It was so fun to see him! We went to eat at a cute Italian place down the street and then went back to the hotel to relax. Saturday we went to the National Gallery and we saw the show WICKED!!! Dad got the most amazing seats, only about 20 rows back in the dead center! It was so good and we decided that we could easily become addicted to shows if given the chance! Sunday we saw the movie Breach which was good and funny to watch with English people and hear what they laughed about since the movie was about the American government! It was sad to say goodbye, but I am glad Dad got to come for the weekend!
Sorry this is short and rushed, but I wanted to update a bit quickly and I will try to be better at it! Congrats to Danny for a great opening season with soccer! And happy birthdays are in order for Sara, Kelly and Lisa!
Have a wonderful day :)